Meet Our Staff!

Lead Pastor Chandler Jones
Chandler Jones has served in ministry in various capacities for over a decade. He is driven by his heart for seeing the lost find Jesus. When he’s not spreading the gospel, you can find him enjoying the great outdoors, spending time with family, or watching sports! Chandler is very passionate about seeing the lost saved, the saved freed, the freed restored, and the restored fulfilled.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” ROMANS 1:16 NKJV

Megan Jones
Administrative Assistant
Megan has a deep love for Jesus and for others. As a wife and mother, she also pours her love into her family, especially her two daughters. Megan is faithfully dedicated to serving the church and ministering to all of our kids!

Austin & Makenna Cassell
Students Directors

Jeff Dickson
Discipleship Director
Jeff is a man of integrity who loves God and loves his family. He is thoughtful and attentive, and if you ever need an ear he is the best listener! Jeff is dedicated to helping people feel welcome, connected, and discipled as a part of our church family.

Bill & Christine Draper
Connections Directors

Joy Blackburn
Joy specializes in graphic design and has been passionate about art her entire life. Managing social media, sermon graphics, and other marketing needs, her heart is to bring joy to people’s lives and find meaning in the small details!

Brenda Moore

Sandra Blackburn
Administrative Assistant
Sandra is the mother of two, with seven grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, and another great-granddaughter on the way! She has one of the kindest and gentlest spirits you will ever come across. Sandra has faithfully served in churches for many years in various roles.