Compassion is simply seeing someone’s need and wanting to help.
“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
| Galatians 6:2 |

Meet Compassion Care’s leaders, Chuck & Sheila Brown!
Browse Compassion Care’s Three Groups
What Is Compassion Care?
The Latin root of compassion, ‘compati,’ means to “suffer with.” Compassion means someone else’s heartbreak becomes your suffering. True compassion changes the way we live!
The gift of compassion moves people to action on behalf of those in need. Compassion is not simply caring about others or asking “Should I help?” but saying or focusing on “How can I help?”
Throughout scripture, our Lord Jesus Christ felt compassion on people, healing them and comforting them. Compassion Care Ministry exists to be the “hands and feet of Jesus” to the local body of Christ at Compassion Church in Radford, Virginia.
The purpose of Compassion Cares Ministry is to ensure that all those within the congregation are cared for in the event of a physical, emotional, or spiritual crisis in their life that would require special care from the team or pastoral staff.
What Do We Do?
It is our purpose, mission, and prayer to mirror the compassion of Jesus Christ in our homes and communities through both words and actions.
- Building Relationships
Getting to know a person or family in an intimate way
Sharing the Love of Christ- Through our words, testimony, & prayer
Checking On One Another
By phone, text, and meeting for breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Sharing Acts of Love
Sending a card or note for births, deaths, celebrations, and helping families in hardship with moving, meals, etc.
Spending Time
Visting shut-ins, widows, and those living in nursing homes to show the Love of Christ and encourage them
Group Time
Picinics, gatherings, etc.
Stay connected to the other members of our church on the private Facebook page!
This private page exists to keep our members connected and updated on what is going on. Request to join and meet new members in our congregation, ask for prayer requests, see announcements, and be encouraged!