Join us for the Encounter Challenge!

We will begin the 21-Day Encounter Challenge on August 6th, but feel free to join in on the challenge whenever you’d like!

We are asking that you give up or add something to your lives for these 21 days starting August 6th until August 27th.


Here are some examples of things you can do

–  1 hour of personal worship time daily

–  Only listen to worship music, all 21 days

–  Read a chapter of the Bible a day

–  Learn the Lords prayer, the Beatitudes, or the prayer of Jabez

–  Read the old or new testament through completely

–  Fast something for 21 days

–  Witness to someone each week

–  Perform an act of kindness each day for 21 days

–  Invite someone to church each week

–  Family devotionals every day

–  Eating a meal at the table with your family every day

–  Only positive posts & messages on social media